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tv   KRON 4 Morning News  KRON  January 28, 2014 7:00am-10:01am PST

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can i just got off the phone with a pulled belmont police officer who just found a 16 year-old autistic boy. all have the latest coming up. >>: more information about the bart officer shot and killed by another officer
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while on duty. why officials say lack of training is *not the problem. could see if you sprinkles of the north bay later on today but i think the likelihood for widespread showers will be reserved for wednesday night and thursday morning. we will experience like roadways. looking at
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your day planner with the glut of mid-60s by three today with upper forties to low 50s by mid o'clock tonight. and so sure your 7 day around the bay forecast coming up in just a couple of minutes. there was an accident on highway 4 reporter ed bailey wrote. that's one of the reasons why it's flow through the will pass but that crashes on the shoulder. we may be and to that free modify the into livermore. but it's still backed up in the westbound direction. as it is on the nimitz freeway. and minor accident southbound at a street. already backing up this new corridor commute from san leandro leading down to fremont and the turnout for the dumbarton bridge. here's
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your bay bridge. at the back up in normal one was slow going >>: an update on the story we've been following an overnight search for an missing teenager now with a happy ending. kron4's will tran is live. >>will: finally some good news to report. i just off the phone with the belmont police department will locate a missing 16 year-old autistic boy about 50 minutes ago. he was on the street on the border of san carlos belmont. which are you a picture of this young man. his name is tyler's simmons was a missing since 7:00 p.m. last night. he was here at ross the middle school. that's where a custodian found him. according to eight belmont police department a woman drove by recognized a man called the police department. the police department to declare that
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was tyler simmons and he has been a reunited. he says he was cold but he does not need to go to hospital cricket they just took him home. >>: developing news this
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a university of san francisco student is missing after his family reported they hadn't heard from him in over three weeks. 32-year-old bradley bennett was last seen in fresno and bear valley on january 8th and 13th. he was wearing dirty clothing.police say he may look homeless. there's a request for a mental health evaluation for bennett. he's six feet tall and weighs 175 pounds. bennett has three tattoos.a cross on his abdomen.a dragon on his left shoulder.and an anchor on his calf. a public viewing today for fallen bart officer tom
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smith at the chapel of chimes in hayward. meanwhile, the bart officer who shot and killed him is service. bart's police chief says detective michael maes will "absolutely" attend smith's funeral. smith was shot last week while officers were searching an apartment in dublin. investigators aren't saying whether maes' gun fired by accident, or if he thought smith was someone else. . and we're learning more about detective maes. bart police say he has spent 26- years with law enforcement-- 14 of those years have been spent with bart. though questions have been raised about the level of training for bart officers. the agency's police chief says, a lack of training does not apply to maes. the chief says maes has extra training in criminal investigations for search and arrest warrants.
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we will have much more on this story coming up in this newscast. water utility staff in santa clara county is proposing a 10% reduction in water consumption. this is based on last year's record-breaking dry period. the county is going through its third dry year in a row.accumulating less than four inches of rain last year.the lowest level since the 18-70's. the cut is being proposed tonight to the santa clara valley water district board of directors. the board can only make suggestions to cities.cities then enforce the
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restrictions. governor brown declared a drought emergency on january smell okay. let's train like it's race day. what's up ted? i think i forgot to pay a bill.
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yep, paid that one. what about your mortgage? yep, paid that too. alright we're good then. man i feel like i'm forgetting something. eh, it's probably nothing. you worry too much ted. alright, hammer down! bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. citi, with you every step of the way.
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stanley roberts about some people behaving badly >>: stanley roberts of stops, one of the largest illegal dumping sites in west oakland. >>: illegal dumping has been a problem in oakland for a very long time in 2012 there were 12,000 reports from the department of public works. in 2013 there was an astonishing 17,000 reports in now and 2014 the city may receive a record of 20,000 calls. >>: i see a city that to people think they can just come here and dump the trash. >>: and now oakland city six
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civic leaders is that enough is enough to rid their approaching a zero tolerance approach. there is a meeting to look for ways to in the trashing of the city but the fact remains the city needs to take action. members from the alameda district attorney's office and oakland police department are looking into cases that they can prosecute. however they're also looking for ways to get the community involved because they're all in this together. >>: yet to talk with my boss. >>: i've been covering illegal dumping for eight years and it's time for swift and decisive action. in oakland, stanley roberts, a kron4 nose. >>: following the latest with the state of the union. president obama raising the minimum wage a big item. the
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president announcing this morning the president is going to raise federal contract workers to $10. he will be doing that through an executive order. it what all we apply to new federal contracts. the president already doing that ahead of the address where he's expected to push congress to raise the national minimum wage to $9. right now to $7.25. however over here in california are minimum wage is eight and goes up to $9 an hour in july and expected to go to $10 an hour in 2016. you can watch the president's state of the union address in its entirety here live on kron4 at 6 this evening. >>darya: to identify your kron to hear from any of the men from the republican side responding to the state of the an increase for the first time it's going to be women only. the gop has as to women to deliver the official response. kathy vick more rodgers is giving
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the rebuttal to the president's speech and then florida congresswoman ilion our roles and lead to will provide the spanish response and again you can watch that here and 6:00 tree >>erica: a lot of folks are excited because it's finally going to be some rain. as of right now we're dealing with chronic conditions. in terms of your temperatures reached 49 degrees with very great out there temperatures are actually it very mild. as we head into the afternoon temperatures still trending above average. 65 degrees about campbell print
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will remain in the low 60s through the san ramon valley and 64 year high in vallejo. berkeley today of reaching a high of 61. endicott will be a little warmer than that. i think you can see by 11:00. finally bust those umbrellas out when this is all said and done with an excellent offer a niche for the north bay hills and a half and for the bay. i walk you through your a subtle weather forecast for it, now is 719. off to traffic. >>: still at a steady pace
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here in the traffic department. we are scene so slow traffic developer it the bay bridge much better shape than yesterday. we were looking at slow traffic that was coming in from between west grand and 880. no problems for the golden gate bridge in here at the san mateo bridge their highway 92 ride also pretty steady. 13 minute drive times. where and to that free across the span. san ramon valley traffic still basically good. still have the for the 580 westbound ride. now picking up some
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slowing heading toward saratoga on highway 17 on 85 and the south bay. this train no. 3 with about 11 minutes delayed. heading into fremont. >>: new this morning. the ceo of a bitcoin company has been arrested 324 year-old
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charlie shrem is the chief executive officer of bit instant and vice chairman of the foundation that promotes the bitcoin currency system. he was arrested sunday at kennedy airport. prosecutors say he conspired to commit money laundering by selling more than $1 million and in bitcoins to still grow lawyers. they said he personally bought drugs on the website. so kron was shut down by the feds and its founders as f. ross albrecht. >>: angry birds one of the most popular game applications has been downloaded or more than 1 billion times. but the next time you open it up to the nsa be tracking you. according to the new york times to the nsa is trying to collect user data from
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maps. focuses on so-called key apps the use of everything from identification code to where they have been that day. >>: but i think that's what's driving an essay to track apps. >>: in response to the times story that nsa issued a statement saying and parts in the implication that the nsa foreign intelligence connection is focused on the smart from our social media communication of every day americans is not true. >>: at the white house more push back. >>: the report is a bit supposed to be leaked.
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information that could be collected could include locations of users networks in which they connect web sites visited buddy list and documents. >>: barbara stars [ sports announcer ] here's another one, alyson dudek.
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hales corners, wisconsin. nice pass by alyson dudek. can she hang on to that spot? and she does! [ male announcer ] with the u-verse wireless receiver, your tv goes where you take it, allowing inspiration to follow. ♪ [ dad ] looks pretty good, right? [ girl ] yeah. [ male announcer ] add a u-verse wireless receiver today. ♪
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this morning at the artist once again known as prince is suing a couple dozen
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internet users for sharing linked to collect copies of his concert for a million dollars each. the suit filed in a san francisco court target fan sites on gogol's blocker platform in several facebook pages. 22 users including people behind websites like " the ultimate bootleg experience " and psd music block aren't listed as defendants. if the lawsuit claims that " protest effort and is continuing to suffer damages. last april, prince's lawyers filed take down notices against blind users to record a six second long videos of his concert. the time now is 727 were back with weather and traffic. e commute in a
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moment of the let's began ate
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on the forecast. the >>: mostly cloudy conditions over at the bay bridge toll plaza. i want to start from the live look from a mount tam cam. they're going to settle at the place for the next couple of days. unsettled weather definitely on the horizon. dry conditions once again for the afternoon. it will be cloudy. temperatures will be mild. 64 year high in sunnyvale and mid-60s along the delta. changes are certainly on the way. let's look at satellites and radar infiltrating. we're seeing some light rain as the rich of high-pressure surge to weekend. this will continue to fax out corporate i think wednesday into thursday would definitely be the best set for rain. whites but showers for pretty much everyone. rapid drying for everyone. the plight partly cloudy conditions temperatures start to climb
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grid effect it could be in the mid to upper 60s as we start the next door quick. >>: let's get the slow spots. like the ride through contra costa. the ride 01
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north bound and about 22 minutes is still fairly normally get from the coyote valley up to 237. >>: thanks a lot. >>: kron4's terisa estacio is in the north bay where one meeting is going to happen tonight. >>: in dealing with the drought is going to be a major topic of discussion here at the marin county civic center on this tuesday. supervisors are holding a form letter on this morning were multiple agencies is going to be presented multiple plans. right now reservoirs' are extremely low. that's how bad it is. we're looking to get and some facts for you to explain to just how bad it is to read this meeting is going to be open to the public. we're going to be stepping aside. it is not just here in the north bay and that's dealing with the drought but today santa clara officials are also going to be looking at drug
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related measures. here in marin county terisa estacio kron 4 news. >>darya: and that things have gotten so bad that farmers and the san lucas valley. >>: a live, and with storm expected to settle and to the south is today has already prompted thousands of cancellations. that's a kron4's deck is a a standing by. >>: come morning for this seems like we're on a weekly basis but most of the time for talking about boston the night. >>: were talking about houston tx. it can go from the video from earlier periods and said a dozen flights have been canceled.
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because of san francisco and she also says because of low cloud cover that there are some ground delays until about noon today. to a fifth line of the best of all there may be some other issues related to delays. to 3000 flights have been canceled. about 600 flights cancelled out of atlanta georgia alone. if you're a director of the country there's obviously still some bellwether for places like chicago. but temperatures for the east coast. unusual. they'll have to deal with that very often. the let's face it for those last month weather has been playing havoc people flying across the united states.
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>>darya: our developing story place and the oakland area still looking for a 14 year-old boy accused of killing his sister. they're looking for marielito lover who they believe shot and killed his sister. 17 year- old justice on thursday. the teams left with their grandmother his ban on the run ever cents employee still consider him armed and dangerous because they did not find the gun used in the shooting. the oakland police chief says it's time for him to turn himself >>: were prevailing upon anyone a desk to persuade him to turn himself that. >>: police are getting tips about mario's or about to default on all of those leads. they're offering a
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$10,000 reward for an affirmation that leads to an arrest. waking up to dangerous sub- a registered sex offender back behind bars this morning.
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accused of being at a south bay school.when he should not have been. investigators say theodore lorigo. who dresses as a woman. walked onto the sunnyvale hebrew day school campus. back in december. school employees recognized him and called police. school employees recognized him and good.d police. good answer. check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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with u-verse high speed internet. for ovnights can feel califolong and lonely.dren, i miss my sister. i miss my old school. i miss my room. i don't want special treatment. i just wanna feel normal. to help, sleep train is collecting pajamas for foster children, big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help make a foster child's night a little cozier. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child.
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740 on the clock. southwest is spreading its wings. the airline is now announcing its first international destinations. southwest began selling tickets monday for lights-jet flights to or roebuck, the bahamas, and jamaica. the new flights are a result of its integration with air tran airways. southwest has been talking about going international for years but it has been held back by technological limits to its reservation system. the new international flights are july 1st. >>darya: of the doctors have warned against being and a
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son too much because you can get skin cancer now they're saying some exposure could actually help you. researchers looked at people exposed the to ultraviolet ray radiation that's equivalent to spending 30 minutes and the sun and southern europe. they found that participants' blood pressure dropped the they're not exactly sure why. despite the benefits of those they say moderation is still the key. we will take a break a 741. coming up on the kron 4 news. one company gets shot up and the other gets shot down entirely. what about hockey and other things that are
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>>jacqueline: welcome back to the kron4 morning news time now is 7433 finally have wet weather and a forecast. a lot of people looking forward to the rain. dry conditions will persist for most of the day. audit conditions on tab by the afternoon but take a look at your temperatures 6463 expected and fairfield. cloudy a mild conditions on tab. will continue with that cloud cover. when the storm system is of sudden delhi could accumulate up to an engine after the north bay hills and probably half that for the bay. satellite's
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radar shows the rain and northern california right now. to some light rain closer to eureka. partly cloudy conditions a slightly warmer temperatures as we head into the weekend. slow traffic now bay area freeways for will start with the east bay ride to and with 680 here and the southbound direction heading out of concord along to 42 and into walnut creek. they're slow traffic for the san ramon valley now as well. there's been an accident report as sycamore valley road that has already been cleared. the 580 ride heavy but so is this 880 ride south of town. it's a longer back up to now has been for with some time.
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adding to the drive time on what once out of bounds as we are now approaching 45 minutes for the trip from a bottle down to the golden gate bridge. and here's a look at your favorite tried westbound grid of the back up actually easing a bit drive time to stand at about stopping the traffic now the westbound direction. your ride to the rich and san rafael bridge as is heavy on the approach to the toll plaza. >>: >>darya: the morning gary. >>james: up darya, the morning. >>: i think i've told you if you don't score you can't land up of >>: a and they could for six
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games but not in this one. >>james: excuse me i'm just going to say this nicely. the newscast. wow. when i was coming up, we had an gone are closed for it from the typewriters. we didn't dress like this was a fashion show. in a way back to the sports. >>gary: keep your eye on the puck. >>darya: it's all about how freezing it is and the super bowl. what a dumb idea was to have the super bowl outside and whose bright idea was it in a way to have all these hockey games outside. >>gary: the last couple of years of they have it on a years day. now you need a good thing into the ground. >>: it's not good for the fans. >>: i don't know. they can't
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see the puck. pavlov at yankee stadium but the one they played on sunday it was so cold. first-aid the lead because of the eyes glare and then it's so cold and it's like in the '20s and then they start snowing can to clear the snow. i know this game was invented on nippon somewhere. first time around is one of those things you say i just want to say i went. but if you have to i guess they figure normal rate of its f-15 and 20,000. you play outside. that's the thing they're going to get a big crowd.
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people that are there. >>darya: look what happened to the san francisco bulls. gone and done. >>james: sad. if somebody could tell me what the second tier and i don't mean this as an insult but the best players of the united states are 50 mi. away. so it's hard have the sharks. it's hard to have a secondary think. because it just doesn't work. bay area does not tolerate this type of stuff. even college sports will go route for there, modern and if it's a big game day in and day out second-tier sports just don't cut it here. >>darya: that leaves just the san francisco giants and san francisco is the only professional team and coincidentally, we have santa of this weekend. they moved it to the day before the super bowl like that's a better job. is that like a
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captive sports audience than three >>:, a big fan fess guide every year. i would be very interested if they draw as many as last year. >>mark: >>james: my life is starting to a sages us. it's just a rough deal. >>: families got to go. he wants to look like a good guy.
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>>: >>darya: you know what it's like to be daft punk. you'll be able to host. and get their helmets on. but i stay up all night to get lucky,. i love for robbery and have to find a favorite time. what ought to come to fan a faster rate on a tryout. c. f. the fell comfortable around >>:
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>>: i'm not try to embarrass you but it if i was watching the news of a stop to see the dress. >>: no seriously why not address those people can watch you. >>: everyone's looking for ways to marry. the proposal but a related one guy decides he is going to set up this mock arrest and scare the daylights out of the this happened in new hampshire.
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in developing news out of belmont where overnight there was a missing 16 year- old autistic boy. the police department searched for our said they found him. i'll tell you how coming up in a live report. more information about the one bart officer shot and killed by another officer while on duty. why officials say lack of training is *not the problem. and taking a look mount tam this morning. a chance of rain on the horizon. when and where in the bay area has the best chances.
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think the best chance for widespread rain that wednesday night into thursday morning. we are dealing with cloudy conditions. all plant currently 54 degrees. satellite and radar shows finally here in the bay. temperatures today. have a closer look at that wet weather forecast. on the brink of futurecast 4 coming up in 15 minutes. jammed up completely through the low pass and the concord for both 242 sx 80. having to
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walnut creek. a heavy through the san ramon valley. we continue to have slow traffic through the lamar valley of 580 westbound and this new pattern of a slow traffic of staff leon drop all the way into milpitas of the nimitz freeway once again in full force. >>: belmont police have found a missing autistic teenager. 16-year-old tyler simmons went missing yesterday at 7-pm. kron 4's will tran is joining us live now with more information. will?
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there was a woman about a mile from this location. she spotted this young man. she recognized him from watching television as in his face she called the police department they also out there and that's when they spotted him. his mental capacity is more than a year old child. he's been gone since for 30 this afternoon. his father was supposed to pick him up from the belmont. the got the police department. at about 1:00 in the morning they want to his last known location which is at ralston. they've got brought out search dogs and couldn't find them. the good news is it was cold overnight and not freezing. he didn't have to go to the
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hospital and this morning he's back with his family. that brought this whole thing this was just in case of a child went missing. >>: a university of san francisco student is missing after his family reported they hadn't heard from him in over three weeks. 32-year-old bradley bennett was last seen in fresno and bear valley on january 8th and 13th. he was wearing dirty clothing.police say he may look homeless. there's a request for a mental health evaluation
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for bennett. he's six feet tall and weighs 175 pounds. bennett has three tattoos.a cross on his abdomen.a dragon on his left shoulder.and an anchor on his calf. a public viewing today for fallen bart officer tom smith at the chapel of chimes in hayward. meanwhile, the bart officer who shot and killed him is going to tomorrow's funeral service. bart's police chief says detective michael maes will "absolutely" attend smith's funeral. smith was shot last week while officers were searching an apartment in
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dublin. investigators aren't saying whether maes' gun fired by accident, or if he thought smith was someone else. . and we're learning more about detective maes. bart police say he has spent 26- years with law enforcement-- 14 of those years have been spent with bart. though questions have been raised about the level of training for bart officers. the agency's police chief says, a lack of training does not apply to maes. the chief says maes has extra training in criminal investigations for search and arrest warrants. we will have much more on this story coming up in this newscast.
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water utility staff in santa clara county is proposing a 10% reduction in water consumption. this is based on last year's record-breaking dry period. the county is going through its third dry year in a row.accumulating less than four inches of rain last year.the lowest level since the 18-70's. the cut is being proposed tonight to the santa clara valley water district board of directors. the board can only make suggestions to cities.cities then enforce the restrictions. governor brown declared a drought emergency on january 17th.
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a registered sex offender back behind bars this morning. accused of being at a south bay school.when he should not have been. investigators say theodore lorigo. who dresses as a woman. walked onto the sunnyvale hebrew day school campus. back in december. school employees recognized him and called police. officers arrested him monday. and this morning police want anyone who's had recent contact with
8:11 am contact them. and update now to a story we first brought you over the weekend. a deadly stabbing at a san jose birthday party. and now twin brothers are now under arrest ? 18 year old anh and duc tong - are being charged with murder, in the death of richard phan. police say, the incident happened outside a house on suncrest avenue. while phan and others were celebrating his girlfriend's birthday early sunday morning. phan was a college senior majoring in biological
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science at san jose state. police would not elaborate on what may have led to the fight. nor would they say whether the victim and suspects knew each other. for over 60,000 california foster children, nights can feel long and lonely.
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i miss my sister. i miss my old school. i miss my room. i don't want special treatment. i just wanna feel normal. to help, sleep train is collecting pajamas for foster children, big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help make a foster child's night a little cozier. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child.
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welcome back. we have new video of avalanches in alaska thatfic to an alaskan to officials are urging nearby residents to evacuate their homes. the richardson highway will probably remain closed for about a week. it's the only connector between anchorage and the
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town of valdez. a town of 4 thousand cut off. the first avalanches started friday. another round of winter weather is making for dangerous road conditions across the midwest. in illinois monday.this was the scene. roads covered in ice and snow. and cars stranded on the side of highways. and terms of their temperatures right now. we're having now to ultimate '50s. a very mild weather thanks to that cloud cover right now so san francisco have been out to 5554 degrees currently in oakland. as to follow these
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numbers into the afternoon you'll see plenty of thirty is. for the over cast a lot of us will not see if sunshine. i think we will see a low 60s through the san ramon valley and 63 today in san leandro. oakland a little warmer than that. an apple a little warmer with a high of 64. we could see a few sprinkles and the north bay later on this evening but i think the best bet for some actual rainfall will be wednesday night into thursday. futurecast 4 shows although we could see moderate rain for the sierra nevada religious some light rain expected for the bay area. in fact a lot of it will fall most of a slate. the overnight hours should get the brunt of it and we will deal with very slick roadways due to lack of rain for the past several months waking up thursday morning. when the storm is all said and done we could accumulate up to an inch if not more for the north bay hills. about half an inch for the
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bay. fuss about whether pretty much every day for the rest of the work week. i have a look at your 7 day around the bay forecast coming up and 15 minutes. in the meantime on to the roads now with the george. and >>george: look at a lot of slow traffic this morning even though we have had much in the wake of major accidents to tie up the ride. here's some of the slowest traffic and its end and this concord into danville corridor even from westbound traffic off highway 4 of 2 both to 42 and 680 in the southbound direction traffic also slow heading north. but as close to a hot spot as you can get this morning in the nimitz freeway ride. there have been a number of minor incidents in the northbound direction and its typically slow their as it is westbound on interstate 580 in southbound on 880 from san leandro all the way
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down to milpitas. south bay freeway as slow as well. look at 101. really bogged down from 237 leading north. and along the peninsula there were some problems here with a dead deer on 280 in the southbound direction. and apparently they may have been a number of vehicles that either struck it for each other and try to avoid that animal carcass of its backing up the ride coming down from the golf course. north bay traffic still have a through marin county for one all southbound. and here's a quick bridge check as we look first at the bay bridge. something of a bright spot there. not much of it back up here. and to that free. with just too many cars and out of lanes 3 here's a look at the ride to the return san rafael. easing a bit and the westbound direction for the fasttrack lanes. cash check lanes are still
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>>james: thank-you. here in the news romo live pictures at the u.s. capital that is where president obama will deliver the state of the union address tonight. according to the white house to lay out his plan for what he's calling a year of the action. the president expected to announce some executive orders. things you can do without congressional approval which includes raising the minimum wage for federal contract workers. this only apply for new federal contracts. he is expected to push the national minimum wage per cent in an hour. right now and the 725 an hour.
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>>: party responding to the >>: and tonight, you won't see any men from the republican party responding to the president's state of the union address. for the first time, the g- o-p has asked two women to deliver the official response. washington congresswomen cathy mc-morris rodgers is giving the rebuttal to the president's speech. and then florida
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congresswoman ileana ros- lehtinen will provide the response in spanish. watch the state of the union. here on kron4 at 6 pm
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these are the hands a pediatrician. these are pioneering advances in heart surgery. and these are developing groundbreaking treatments for cancer. they're the hands of the nation's top doctors. kaiser permanente doctors. and though they are all different, they work together on a single mission: saving lives. discover how we are advancing medicine at join us, and thrive. four hours on the slopes.urs on weights.
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and two hours doing this stuff. which leaves me approximately two minutes to get my banking done. so i use the citi mobile app to quickly check my accounts and pay my bills. which leaves me about five seconds to kick back. that was nice. bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. citi, with you every step of the way.
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if the bart police department is going to start issuing probation officers officers in a training. >>: chairman of a foundation kron4 first told to the details of what happened. >>:
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kron 4's investigation into the friendly fire shooting death of bart police sergeant tommy smith. is focused on bart's training practices. on friday, kron 4 first told you the details of what happened last week, inside a dublin apartment. and how officer smith was killed by fellow bart officer michael maes. now-- new developments. a former bart police officer says, this tragic incident shows, bart police
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are lacking the training needed to properly conduct residential searches. that's something kron- 4 specifically asked the current bart police chief about. in this exclusive interview. kron 4's haaziq madyun talks with a former bart officer who asked us to protect his identity. it's a story you will see
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and we're live at s-f-o this
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coming off an alert for residents in the peninsula. someone out there stilling of mail per it alive at sfo. at the winter blast causing cancellations across the midwest and cancellations here at the sfo three will get an update from jacki we nev plaon aull use. jus..haens.
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li my nch p. o cu of ur cam, litt thi a ltle at, and pack of ddenalle orinalanch rah di come back onto bay area weather and traffic tracking hot spots. >>: here is a problem on the press away parkway lady southdown toward the door will ride bypass. just before the tonneau this is traffic coming from the golden gate bridge. and you can see an accident they're blocking the left tam lanes. this is already backing up the ride toward the toll plaza of the golden gate bridge and will soon start affecting the traffic heading south bound across the span. and we continue to track of the delays are
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around the bay. and the freeways this morning. let's take a quick check of the traffic maps. the slowest traffic is 4680 here for concord and danville and a big jamming up for the nimitz freeway north bound. that motorcycle accident at 98th ave. is tying up the ride there. a wolfe road accident jams up to 80 in the northbound direction of the south bay freeways are heavy. an accident and san hill right slows to '80s out of bounds and it's been heavy to bunker hill because of an animal carcass and other roadway. here's a quick look at a hot spot. at least it had been and that's the ride to the san mateo bridge. this is as though things are easing a bit. >>erica: the morning george. to get a live look outside. you can see all of that cloud cover. high clouds will continue to stream end. not much sunshine to talk
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about. a pretty mild conditions. oakland getting a high of 64. we will see mid-60s for the livermore valley and the delta. although it is a dry periods because the few sprinkles north of the golden gate bridge later on tonight permit into satellite every are finally seeing some rain. impacting at eureka and ukiah. in 7 day around the bay forecast shows tomorrow will probably be the day to bust out your own carlos. we're talking widespread showers definitely possible especially for the east bay hours. the authority of the brain well fog over night. unsettled weather fronts sunday. atures start to climb as we transition into the weekend. >>: >>darya: a winter storm expected to settle into the southeast today has already prompted
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the cancellation of thousands of flights. that includes some flights out of sfo. kron 4's jackie sissel is joining us live now. jackie, how's it looking out there this morning? >>darya: good morning darya. it's been a have it coming out of the sfo. most of the time talking about at weather back in the north east of boston and new york and philadelphia area. today talking about it down in the south. fearsome video from earlier this morning. places like atlanta georgia and norway into louisiana. houston tx all been affected by this unseasonably cold winter blast to read that it is blowing through. some places are expecting for and just a foot of snow for places like mississippi. already we've seen thousands of flights cancelled around 3000 flights 3 going into atlanta up 3000 flights have already been cancelled. the
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little weather on their own which means because of a low ceiling there will be some delays. really that weather. that's causing havoc. there's still some problems for places like chicago and minnesota. but let's face it they're better to handle what better. across the country these things have a way of having a ripple of fact if you're traveling today. >>: call with your carrier. >>:new this morning, the drought is taking center stage today. several counties are examining how best to confront the issue. kron fours terisa estacio is the north bay where one meeting will take place.
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the plan to hold a special form. of the drought is having an impact. take a look at this. the latest figures show the marin municipal district supply. for this time of the district is only asking for customers to voluntarily cut back their water usage however at this meeting today the supervisors plan to listen to other agencies of her steps they might be taking to deal with the problem. the meeting starts at the 1030. it is open to the public record >>: >>darya:oakland police are still on the hunt for a 14- year-old boy. accused of killing his sister.
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is hot investigators are looking for mario toliver. who they say shot and killed his sister.17-year- old justice toliver thursday. the teens lived with their grand mother in oakland's chinatown. family members tell kron 4 mario shot his sister after an argument over laundry. he's been on the run every since. and police consider him armed and dangerous, because they've never found the gun used in the shooting. the oakland chief says it is time for the suspect to give himself up. hotpolice are still getting tips about mario's whereabouts and following up on those leads.
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there were reports over the weekend that the teen was seen on an a-c transit bus. but police now believe it was just someone who looked similar to him and not mario. the oakland police department is offering a 10- thousand dollar reward for any information leading to an arrest. a san francisco police officer now faces child pornography and molestation charges. richard hastings is accused of molesting a 15 year old boy in concord. hastings claims the sex was consensual and that the victim was not 15, but 18 years old at the time. he's pleaded not guilty to the charges. hastings bail has also been reduced from 900-thousand to 100-thousand dollars, despite objections from the prosecutor who says
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hastings is a danger to the community. an alert this morning for one bay area community that's seen a rash of mail thefts. belmont police say pieces of [ male announcer ] pillsbury grands biscuits.
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delicious, but say i press a few out flat, add some beef, sloppy joe sauce and cheese, fold it all up and boom! delicious unsloppy joes perfect for a school night. pillsbury grands biscuits. make dinner pop. kevin! toaster strudel, yah? ♪ warm, flaky, toaster strudel. [ female announcer ] now get two bonus box tops for your school. retailers are restaurants will get a multibillion- dollar boost as american stock up ahead out to watch the super both on sunday. a
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survey by the national retail federation found they plan to attend. they will spend $12.3 billion estimated $68.20 on average. slightly down from last year. younger consumers those 18 to 24 will spend almost $93 on average as sports fans 25 to 34 more than 100 books. spending will be on snacks. 77 percent of the of food and beverages the somewhat a bevy of the market to a brand of tv. with an estimated 7.7 million expected to be purchased around the game. 10 million americans they're going to go out to restaurants and watched the game. don't forget the guacamole. time
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single game ticket holders here are the big stories we're working on for you this morning. we're learning more about the bart officer who accidentally killed sergeant smith. bart police say, detective michael maes has spent 26- years with law enforcement-- 14 of those years have been though questions have been raised about the level of training for bart officers. hot bart's police chief says, a lack of training does not apply to maes. belmont police need your
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help finding a 16-year-old autistic boy. tyler edward simmons was hist last seen yesterday around 7:00pm at ralston middle tyler is six feet tall and 140 pounds. he has brown, curly hair, green eyes and a thin goatee. in sunnyvale-- a registered sex offender is behind bars. accused of being on school property. and violating his sex offender
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status requirements. authorities say, theodore lorigo. who dresses as a hist woman. walked onto the sunnyvale hebrew day school campus. back in december. your ride to the richness and rafeal bridge westbound 580 has cleared out. no longer a backup approaching the toll plaza. not to the weather center here is erica. >>erica: the morning george. we are waking up too high cloud cover. temperatures in the upper 40's low 50s but take a look at afternoon highs for today. although it will experience a cool down we're still fairly mild. in fact warmer than where we should be for this time of year. hayward and oakland 64. mid-60s out in livermore valley. although it is cloudy it will be mild. a chance for sprinkles nearest the golden gate bridge later on tonight i think the likelihood for showers.
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really we will take what we can get it because we have a seat and ran for quite some time. thus those of robust out. the rain will begin first north of the golden gate bridge. unsettled weather begins for the rest of the workweek but it looks like we're back on the mild side with part because the conditions transitioning into the weekend. that's a good picture bay area forecast 3 here's no bomb talk calms the report. 19 for squaw valley. perhaps will see more of a the next couple of days kirkwood with a base of 21 in.. >>: >>darya:new this morning. the hunt is on in italy, for a suspect who stole --a
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vial of blood that belongs to the late pope john paul. italian police say thieves broke into a church and stole a vial over the weekend. they launched a major search operation involving sniffer dogs and dozens of officers, but few clues were found. police think this was an organized theft -- because nothing else was taken. and they're not really sure what the thieves were planning to do with it. the catholic church is due
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to make pope john paul the second a saint in april. he died in 2005. safety is a big concern in russia as the country prepares for the winter olympic games.just less than two weeks away. "i think everybody's worried about security, but i do think that it's -- the first priority, and i think the safest place will be the olympic village. i think the athlete safety should be the first priority, so they can focus on what they need to do." russia has put together what is believed to be the biggest security operation ever for the olympics. there are more than 50,000 police and soldiers. the u.s. military says it
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will have up to two warshipsstandby. the super bowl is this coming sunday.and there will be *a lot of security. homeland security and the f-b-i will work with state and local law enforcement for the event. more than 700 state troopers will be in and around the stadium complex.but they won't be the only people state, local, federal and guardian the game. county law enforcement will also be there.along with security guards. there will also be extra security patrolling mass transit. even rail passengers who aren't going to the game will be subject to baggage screening and random checks at subway stops around the area.
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surprising research this morning that could change how some couples feel about living together before marriage. a new study at ohio state university finds, co- habitation had a "major role" in couples staying together in the long run. researchers took an 18 year old woman as an example. they say she has a 16 percent chance of getting married by the age of 22. and on average stays married for 12 years. well, the chances of her well, thgood.nces of her good answer. check it out. learning's fun now.
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yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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want to play hide and seek? yeah! 1... 2... 6... 10! [ female announcer ] piña colada yoplait. it is so good when you need a little escape. [ mom ] still counting. ♪ more than a feeling ♪ when i hear that old song they used to play ♪ ♪ more than a feeling [ female announcer ] yoplait light boston cream pie. at 90 calories it is so good when you want more than a feeling. at 90 calories it is so good use chase freedom at gas stations ♪this quarter
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and get 5% cash back. so you can keep rolling in style. activate your 5% cash back at chase. so you can. a warning this morning for smokers out there. another marlboro man has died because of a condition caused by smoking. eric lawson's wife says her husband died at their home in san louis obispo earlier this month. he was 72. lawson appeared in print ads for the cigarette company in the late 70's and early 80's. in 2006, he was diagnosed with chronic obstructive
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pulmonary disease.or c-o-p- d. up until then.he was a marlboro smoker.up to three packs a day. in his later years.lawson s
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became a anti-smoking [uncle]this is hopscotch,okay?
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uncle go one,two,one,two,one two,one. [niece]okay! [uncle]okay? [niece]one,two three,four,five,six,seven,eight! [uncle laughing] okay,we go the other way,okay? [niece]one,two,three,four,five, six,seven! [uncle laughs]there's ten spaces,you want to try again? [uncle]yeah?
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a 16 year-old autistic boy is back home with his family but not before the missing for more than 12 hours. i meant belmonte now tell you how he was found coming up in a live report. >>: more information about the bart officer shot and killed by another officer while on duty. why officials say lack of
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training is *not the problem. and taking a look mount tam this morning. with a tracking a number of big delays thankfully and the presidio park west has cleared but we're still 80 in the north of direction is still slow. the 680 ride as back up. as slow and the southbound direction trying to kid torres said no. when no one basically have the all the way into palo alto from downtown san jose and we're still jammed up toward cupertino 1280 in the northbound direction. for your ride through marin county. things they're just starting to ease but the drive times are still
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detained 30 and 35 minutes for the 101 southbound. here's a anny with a look at her weather. >>erica: and caught a start to your tuesday morning. really like to critics like chance for the day. right now low clouds temperatures and the upper forties. will stay generally mostly cloudy skies. high's popping out on the mid-60s. and by this evening claudius skies and temperatures cooling down and to the upper for days. here's what we are watching. the graeme picking up and the north bay. against a rally light rain coming through. through tomorrow as well. highs go are going to be around 60s for san
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francisco. 64 and nab also a san jose. also oakland looking at 64. half moon bay prole topping out and the lower 60s. mr. kron 47 day around the bay forecast. the north bay has some slight chance for some rain. i think tomorrow night will get a better chance for some more rain. tram amount are said to be pretty light. we are, make a huge dent in that trial to just yet. >>: belmont police have found a missing autistic teenager. 16-year-old tyler simmons went missing yesterday at 7-pm. kron 4's will tran is joining us live now with more information. we always tell people to take a look at your screen to help with any athletes. and this turned out to work.
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one woman looked over and saw the the the boy at matching the description. that's what she called the police department the place apart rushed over and that's where she saw him. the caught his family and now he's back with them in fremont. here's his faldo. tyler's simmons a six-foot tall biologically 16 years old biologically but because his autistic he has a mental capacity of an eight year- old child. his father was supposed to pick him up at 430 in the afternoon at a public library near this location he wasn't there on the family arrived and then they drove around for hours looking for him finally giving up calling the police department. the place to permit him out with search dogs. also could find them. then at around 645 this morning that's when they located him here at a high school near belmont. i got a chance to talk with the belmont capt.. of the police department. here's why he wandered away >>: he apparently had upset
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and decided to wander off. from what he tells us he was just walking around until he finally went to sleep among the trees on san carlos ave. give them a pretty incredible that he was injured because this is belmont. he's walking throughout the night on it with a white sweater. but because they were freezing overnight he did have to be hospitalized for any hypothermia. left unsaid is one of those cases where you of some kind of hit him at the same time. >>:
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the public feeling is going to be today for a the following part officer tom smith meantime the bart officers who shot and killed him is going to tomorrow's funeral service. parts police chief says bart
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chief investigators are not saying whether maze fire the accident accident where he thought he was someone else. >>:
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teachers get tenure and keep their jobs even if the
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students they teach her not making the grade that is the question being argued inside of a california court room this morning. the trial started yesterday and continues today at los angeles 39 california public students are suing the state to abolish its laws on teacher tenure at teachers seniority they say those protections are allowing that educators to stay in the classroom and push younker and motivated teachers out when there are budget cuts. >>: prints is drinking a million-dollar lawsuit against internet users for sharing of links with as the light copies. target's fan sites on go was a lot hotter. 22 users a suit. the
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lawsuit claims that protest suffered and is continuing to suffer damages. will be right back here as the kron4 morning news continues. laugh more on our financial expert rob black. the live look care outside a bar of camera. were also trying to get some rain. and and it will have more coming up.
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an update on bay area traffic george raft with bay area hot spot. to >>george: much improved of earlier this morning. and the south bay still slow going for the ride on 11 north bound. basically back up to 280 of the way up to highway 237. look how slow we are for this stretch. your ride still slow at the 80 interchange as well as at the 92101 enter change. a
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quick check from the bridges. here's your favorite try. no back appear to that's good news. earlier occurring stop and go conditions on the san mateo bridge have eased a lot. and there are no longer backups for your westbound approach to go richmond san rafael bridge for the traffic is now flowing slips smoothly. over to the weather center with an a for your update. you could see the cloud skies to kick off the day. the holding a lot of rain. temperatures will talk about general and a lot mid-60s by this afternoon. a slight chance for some ave. here's o'clock. it o'clock wednesday you could see it's really coming out. around
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the bay area grumman that are so. again not a lot of rain expected. for the north bay hills may be up to an edge. north bay three quarters. bay city around half an edge. no huge head off. hisham kron 47 day around the bay forecast and now an aide to wash your cars until the end of this weekend. time now the 616. 916.
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>>: like in today's winners and losers on wall street with our financial expert rob black and we've been watching apple stock. pretty hard with 61 million iphones so the three months >>: he did the dividend. he had david heim horn. do a dividend to a dividend. engineers don't dividends they want growth. they don't want to the old like clorox
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or general mills foods. so the strike one and two is he tied his competition to stock performance. it should be all about product all the time and out of stock performance 3 he should have even looked at the stock price and number three he went with the five see plastic. and that is on nablus of anyways. it's not three but he also went with wal-mart and best buy versus day on the high end. he should appoint with like burberry our coach. he should have put its product in but high end and not follow and retell. with a go go now 3 $2 billion investment. apple's done nothing with acquisitions and they take no chances. >>: southwest airlines co and international. >>: i think it's a winner. it gives you more options.
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the rally in west coast auction. it's a step in the right direction for southwest. the low-cost to try to get some more international markets. again not a lot of competition and airlines. it's a consolidating industry at this point. we are paying higher air fares out there so seeing any competition i like to see. >>: the super bowl coming up. we know what about that. >>: the more interesting one is met life. they have the stadium rights. they're going to get free advertising basically. scarlett johansson commercials had some controversy because it is doing some of the soda strain which is a competitor with pepsi and coke. their
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commercials have are redundant on down. lester was to sexual and now it's too obvious. so coke and pepsi is on watch. >>: the stores right up your alley at ways similar scores try to kid ingenuity and a burden flavored beer. >>:, and picked it anheuser- busch guy. i wash my car with scores light. because i want to save the water. but this is just weird. they're coming out with a bourbon flavored beer. a little more booze and but it's tried to evoke a guy and a tapered athletic suit. they're asking bartenders to serve it in a scott glass and not in a beer glass. i don't know to make it just seems a little desperate. 921 right
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now coming up on the kron4 morning knows an interview on a seat on kron4. a former bart police officer lack the training needed to properly conduct residential searches.
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bart police department if they are going to start executing probation searches and residences the officers need training.
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this former bar police officer believes his former colleague did not have enough training. he says that is the issue that led
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to officer michael mace fatally shooting a certain times mess inside of this park sarah police department apartment and dublin. that's an untrained officer. since they don't practice that on a daily basis those skills tentacled to the wayside. >>: it's not gonna comment to law enforcement officers across the country but it isn't as common to bart to police officers. my sources tell me that they are uncomfortable and executing those types of searches and not because they are afraid but because they don't have the proper training. in this press conference our police chief announced changes and additions to its policies and not in the amount of
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training officers received. he had this to say about previous training sessions. >>mark: every officer gives basic training. the former park police officers as 18 residential searches and a year's time is not nearly enough the being prepared for a life-and-death situation. there were a way out of practice. san police officers and residents to
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get these calls and they are very similar and terms of rendering. as a bart police officer you're not going to residences. it's very rare. your basic focus of control is the first asian the bart train end of our property parking structures. >>: he says he believes the eye of practice and cleared a building led to a sergeant smith's death. >>: because they did not practice this guilt quite often this tragedy occurred. >>: haazig madyun on kron4 notes. >>: coming up on the kron4 morning news drought conditions plaguing other california. we will tell you how counties are combating the problem. and a winter blast a get across the midwest canceling flights throughout the bay area per it will
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for over 60,000 california foster children, nights can feel long and lonely. i miss my sister. i miss my old school. i miss my room. i don't want special treatment. i just wanna feel normal. to help, sleep train is collecting pajamas for foster children, big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help make a foster child's night a little cozier. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. a winter storm is expected to settle and to the south east today and has already prompted the cancellation of
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thousands of flights including flights out of the sfo. kron4's jacki sizzle has been following that to live from sfo. >>: some of it is due to what's going on here at the sfo. let's get back to the problem back to at this out these fires. if i told you there were a lot of cancellations and chicago o'hare he wouldn't be surprised. the top three cansos right now and the entire country are charlotte, n.c., houston tx atlanta georgia. right now those are the places that have been the most weather problems and it's all over the southeast. and over 3000 flights have been canceled so far with more expected to occur. places like o'hare and minnesota are more apt to handle situations like this. they deal with it on at a normal basis to other
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places down south are not accustomed to it. even places like louisiana and mississippi are experiencing 42 5 in.. one of the other issues is there are and what they called a ground the lecture at this of all because of the low cloud ceiling. they're having to go one runway at a time so that causes delays. they expect that to be up over known to you should see that much in the way of delays but those cancellations are going to start to back up. and this seems like we're out here every week playing havoc with people travelling across the country and it's been that way for the last month month and a half. >>: and what did that. everyone arrives at the same time. >>: terminal 3 was closed for the past 18 months for renovation. where united
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airlines has base $138 million back makeover. there are now interactive displays and a restaurant's new shops. boc art installations to look at hand a yoga room includes free live by in their late 400 power outlets for travelers. >>: not on our weather. >>erica: i want to first talk about the delays at sfo this morning because of so low visibility. average in about 50 minutes on arriving flights oakland san jose are looking fine for now but to mark mentioned to extreme cold. also parts of the deep south korea the wind chills right now -26 and green day. jack imagination flights in and out of as a fall. atlanta of 13 degrees. that is called for folks in the south. nor let's get in
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measurable snow. the deep south not usually dealing with this sort of winter weather but there are definitely got to get their fair share of it today. and that our neck of the woods. we're talking about temperatures and low 60s for the north bay and inland. by late this afternoon will be under mostly cloudy skies. temperatures topping out a lot mid-60s. temperatures right now 56 degrees in san francisco. oakland your and 553 san jose the morning to hear at 53. highs will be of some old mid-60s. a slight
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chance and another chance of showers coming through to braunite and into thursday. will break that forecast down a little bit later. a first here is the george street we're still looking at areas of slow traffic like the e shore freeway. interstate 80 and the westbound direction with this which is still slow from richmond down to the bart quick curve. and the bay bridge toll plaza. still pretty heavy through downtown san jose on 101 north up to the guadalupe parkway. here's the heavy traffic at the 10190 interchange of the san mateo bridge ride looks good. at
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were still on my did the back up here on the nimitz freeway north bound. that you had up. kron4's terisa estacio >>: we are here in napa. there's got to be a news conference coming up here shortly and this is still with the drought. joining me right now is jennifer who is with the napa valley growers association. why is this so important. how can the trout affect the growing of grapes and more importantly the wine industry? >>: we are in agriculture and agricultural needs water and one of the things we do is find ways to conserve the water we do have a look ahead. because this could go on for another year or two's of have and lot of discussions about how we are going to use our water. " we're going to do to
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mitigate any challenges we face and come up with the best pass play going forward. >>: if you don't have water that can certainly impact growing grapes and have a domino effect. >>: it can. it desperately can read the quality could be better but certainly everything around in and around >>: a lot of people want to know. let's see how it plays out. >>: an optimistic approach. the mothers every reason to be optimistic we live in northern california. we will have a wrap up coming up a
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little bit later on kron4 morning news this evening at 5 and 6. here in napa terisa estacio kron4 knows. >>: oakland police still on the hunt of the fourth zero boy killing at his 70 are sister over laundry. investigators are looking for mario tell over who shot and killed his sister justice hall over. investigators amaral was mad his sister bleached his clothing. he's been on the run ever since. please consider him armed and dangerous since they did not find the gun used took kill her. but he's obviously with somebody. we don't believe he's hanging out on street corners so we are dependent upon whoever invests to persuade him to turn himself ♪
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[ female announcer ] wherever morning brings you, bring the energy you need. nature valley soft-baked oatmeal squares. softly baked, made with hearty oatmeal and a drizzle of cinnamon. they're nature valley's take on a morning classic. because when you keep going, the morning can bring you to brand-new places. ♪ nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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welcome back. southwest airlines spreading their wings. the airline unavailing their first international destinations. southwest began selling tickets monday for flights to our robot, the bahamas and jamaica. --aruba. the new flights are a result of its integration with air tram airways. southwest has the talking about going international for years but it has been held back by technological limits to its reservation systems. the new international flights start july 1st. surprising research this morning that could change how some couples feel about living together before marriage. a new study at ohio state university find cohabitation and a major role and couples stay together and the long run. researchers took in 80 year- old woman as an example.
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this issue as a 16 percent chance of getting married by the age of 22 and on average stays married for 12 years. well, the chances of her getting married job by 6 percent if she'd already started living with her partner. should also stay with them married are not for at least 12 years. it's a pretest. you learn about everything that may be a stay together we'll be right back as the kron4 morning news continues. it's been a rough year for president obama. it will have a look back and what we can expect from tonight's state of the
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[son] she has no idea.
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[man] no one told her,right?
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[son]hi! [mom screams] and national knows he's calling it a year of faction
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and the president is expected to lay out exactly what he means by that and tonight's state of the union. andrew spencer reports lawmakers are expected to press the president and congress on a minimum wage and immigration. most of the details on tonight's speech will have to come straight from the president >>: i think it's fair to say and i dress like this covers a lot of territory. >>: as president barack obama steps up to the podium for his state of the union speech many lawmakers expect the emphasis on equality. >>: he will bring up three things. unemployment benefits increasing minimum wage and immigration. all of them democrats are essentially unanimous on and all of them split the republican party right down the middle. immigration reform and the minimum wage are carryovers from obamas 2013 speed. neither issue got much traction. the white
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house friends 2014 as the air of action. >>: it's time to restore equality for all. >>: the president should use every tool available to him. >>: i have a 810 and a foam and that's all i need. >>: 80 party response will be given up later by center mike lee. i'm after spencer reporting. >>: something new this year. it's all about what and when it comes to the republican party and its response to the president's speech. for the first time to woman will deliver the gop response. kathy mcmorris roger will give the rebuttal and florida rep i leaned ross of and will provide a response in spanish and remember as
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we said you can see the state of the union address in its entirety tonight comes up on the kron4 and 6:00 it is what the press conference starts. the state of the union address and it will follow that with the kron4 evening news so stick around for that. >>: look at the weird weather phenomenon we are scene and ohio. i shaved snowballs. they're known as rollers. strong winds blow trunks of snow and they create what to see there. >>: it reminds me of pay. these are different. it picks up five shapes. on like snowballs made by people snow rollers are typically a cylinder shape. and they are hollow usually. an earlier so there we can't have all right apart. so ends up looking like a doughnut or emanate hay
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baled. sometimes it's not square. >>: i thought the same tank. >>: we are tracking a pretty good storm last time they have met troublesome of all was five years ago so very rare event and this is really affecting the deep south into georgia. the peak empurpled showing the freezing temperatures. we are looking at some very cold conditions for the mid atlantic command < deep south but in our neck of the was cloudy skies and finally some rain coming this way. but not a lot of it. unfortunately temperatures 57 degrees. san jose at 53.
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livermore 54. center rosier of a get at 50 degrees. the delay rain. north bay looking at maybe three- quarters of the net. i think around 11:00 midnight is where we could to some light rain through the bay area. so maybe a lot of us will be sleeping during that time. your money commute could be wed to. and then i think for pretty much done up with the bulk of the moisture. i stood looking at 63 in san francisco and san rafael. 64 in sunnyvale and the san jose looking at mid-60s far
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friends in livermore and antioch. mr. kron 47 day around the bay forecast. some pretty light rain today possible. tomorrow night into thursday morning the chance for some more widespread rain. then i think the weekend to be tried. temperatures will be topping out at the low to mid 60's. way to use wash your cars. pitchers no bombs the report. unfortunately no snow. it's been a tough season for it looks like for a base ask what the valley 22 in. for sarah and tahoe. kirkwood 19 but they are making snow so still check out the slopes if you want. time now is now 52 years george the morning. still so slow traffic on the e shore freeway on the right getting from richmond down towards the berkeley curve. an accident a university avenue
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is there reason the traffic is still slow and back up their and problems with the commute had a southbound on 883 is still backed up getting to 237. i fremont new work. dakota rob on 880 and the southbound direction. and still slow lead in the up. on one 01 north bound to the back of breaches at least to the 880 and to change and partly back it's been quiet here for about two hours. but definitely better conditions. for the westbound a bridge. and also better for the rich and san rafael bridge which is no longer backed up for the westbound ride. traffic had the right towards us with a big rig is. those are the
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fasttrack land. we'll be right back as the kron4 morning news continues. good. good answer.
9:55 am
check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet
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to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
9:57 am
line welcome back to the kron4 morning news hits national blueberry, and that's just today is a national blueberry pancake day. put the blueberries in after you put the batter and japan that will prevent them from bruising. there's a tip. unjustly and no the first commercial mix was available to serve as food with aunt jemima. in 1878. make the makes of the pancake put the blue berries on top of it to make saddam before they get approved. >>: on never do that ever again. because i don't cut. have a good day will see you back here tomorrow.
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>>: doctor phil oh wow. you look incredible!
9:59 am
right?! is this the bacon and cheese diet? this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. this is so much more... what's different? oh, it's my chicken and cheese enchilada diet. well keep it up, honey. it's working. oh, gracias! did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! lisa, did i tell you i'm on the...
10:00 am
[ male announcer ] soups so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. >> on an all-new "dr. phil." she says she is 7 months pregnant. and putting her baby at risk. >> dr. phil: she smokes crack and heroin. if anybody cares about this unborn child, then tell me the truth. >> all right, i need to stop. >> here we go. >> doing good dr. phil. >> dr. phil: get you the help that you need. this is going to be a changing day in your life. ♪ >> dr. phil: take a look at these pictures.


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